Bring Relief to Caregiving

Respite Care Emergency Contact Information for Caregivers

As a caregiver, your well-being is essential. In times of emergencies, respite care resources can provide temporary relief. Below are important contact numbers and resources to assist you in managing care during emergencies or for general respite care needs. Have a PLAN AHEAD OF TIME TO PREVENT MENTAL HEALTH CRISES. 

Medical Emergencies

Respite Care Services

Mental Health Support for Caregivers

Respite Care for Emergencies

Tips for Caregivers During Emergencies

Disclaimer: Information provided is for reference only and does not imply affiliation or endorsement with the mentioned individuals, companies, products, services, treatments, and websites. For informational purposes only - contact your medical provider for health and medical advice.  Content accuracy, completeness, and timeliness are not guaranteed. Inclusion of information and websites does not constitute endorsement. Users should exercise caution when accessing external content. See your medical, legal, finance, tax, spiritual and other professionals for discussion, guidance, planning, recommendations and greater understanding of the risks, benefits, options and ability to apply any information to your situation.